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Showing posts from October, 2019

Elections and Emojis

With Election Day just around the corner, I am struck by an overwhelming feeling towards the local Middletown elections that can best be described as 'Meh'. 😕😕😕 Now anyone who knows me, knows I have a long held  aversion to emojis, mostly because I am not a 9 year old girl. But, in this case they may be on to something because everything about these elections leave me with the urge to just not give a shit. (Yeah, I know I cursed, you're an adult, you'll live.) And yet, I am always the overexcited cheerleader touting the importance of voting in every election. So, I'm going to take you through my thought process on why I am so very Meh 😕😕😕 and how I plan to motivate myself this election cycle in Middletown and hopefully inspire a few of you to go from 😕😕😕 to 😍😍😍 when it comes to voting in our local elections this year. (Okay, I'm done with the emojis now, because I am dangerously close to kicking my own ass.) This year there are 2 local races, alth...